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Bel Aire Dozen Rose Bouquet



Medium/Most Popular

Premium for Celebrations


**Product appearance may vary depending upon availability in certain regions.**

Classic Romance - Premium Long-Stemmed Rose Bouquet

Order the timeless tradition of a dozen Premium long stemmed roses. Our Roses come complete designed in a vase with a variety of textured greenery and complimentary accent flowers. We can also customize with colored roses or mixed colors (call for availability).

Inclusions in Your Order


A timeless symbol of love and appreciation, our premium long-stemmed rose bouquet makes an unforgettable impression. Expertly designed with a beautiful array of:

  • One dozen (12) vibrant, fresh-cut long-stemmed roses
  • Lush, textured greenery accents
  • Complementary filler flowers
  • Elegant vase included

Occasions for Our Premium Rose Bouquets


Romantic Gestures

Appreciation & Admiration

Same-Day Shipping for 12 Roses (Milwaukee Area)

Get reliable same-day delivery across Milwaukee County, Waukesha County and surrounding communities. Shipping available! We offer same-day delivery for orders placed by 11 am Monday - Sunday!


Call our floral experts to craft the perfect premium rose bouquet for your occasion. Order a dozen long-stemmed roses today for timeless elegance.

Floral Modifications


  • Small - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture.
  • Medium/Most Popular - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture, upgraded with either more flowers or more expensive flowers than the "Small" product version.
  • Premium for Celebrations - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture, upgraded with either more flowers or more expensive flowers than the "Medium" product version.

All orders are automatically processed as "Good" unless you decide to change the order to a "Better" or "Best" arrangement. You'll be given this option on our order form.

Pair Your Flowers with a Gift

Mylar Balloons Currently not available
Mylar Balloons
Starting At $7.00
Currently not available
Boxed Chocolate
Starting At $18.00
Currently not available
Plush Animals
Starting At $15.00
Currently not available
Premium Deluxe Total Package
Starting At $50.00
Currently not available
Custom Greeting Card
Starting At $2.00

Why Buy from Bel Aire?

Local & Family-Owned

Since 1964, Bel Aire Flower Shop has been a family-owned and operated business with a reputation for high-quality flowers and top service. Each member of our staff offers personal and professional service on every order.


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We take immense pride in our work and stand behind every arrangement we deliver. If you are not fully satisfied with your order, simply let us know. We are confident you will be overwhelmed with the quality of our flowers & gifts.


Same-Day Delivery, Nationwide Reach

As a local florist in the community, we offer reliable same-day delivery for orders placed by 11 am Monday through Saturday, with Sunday delivery available for sympathy orders. Our services extend throughout the greater Milwaukee area, the surrounding Waukesha suburbs and nationwide.


Arrangements for Every Occasion

Our ever-changing inventory ensures vibrant, one-of-a-kind designs. Whether you need arrangements for weddings, parties, sympathy tributes or home decor, our passionate florists express your sentiment with a beautiful arrangement. 


Hand-Curated Designs, Fresh Hawaiian Blooms

Our florists hand-craft each arrangement featuring vibrant, fragrant blooms imported fresh from Hawaii's island of Hilo. Our one-of-a-kind, hand-curated designs are a showstopping piece at any event. 

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